NDF Plus 1 oz Plus by Bioray
Bioray suggests taking 5 - 10 drops twice a day in 10 ounces of distilled or r/o water on an empty stomach constitutes the average dose for a 150 lb. adult. Sensitive individuals may want to start with one drop and gradually ramp up the dose. Dosage can be adjusted up to 2 ml. twice a day. Supervision by a physician is recommended.
Serving Size: 6 drops twice daily
Servings Per Container: 60
Certified organic, raw, whole, pure, and nanonized (micronized):
PolyFlor probiotics
18% grain neutral spirits as a preservative,
25% probiotic predigested agaricus blazei, reishi, cordyceps, milk thistle seeds and horsetail for drainage and organ support.
More fulvic acid complexes than NDF.
Method of action is not sulfhydryl-group dependant thus may not bind in the kidney; one year of continuous use at 2 ml. per day showed no elevation of serum creatinine and an improvement in BUN/creatinine ratio. NDF acts through elimination via the kidney system thereby providing very low to no risk of metal resorption through excessively permeable bowel membranes that are generally found in people with an improper balance of metallic ions, or flora-mediated methylation of unbound mercury. NDF-Plus does not pull enzyme system-bound beneficial minerals from the body and is a source of bioavailable minerals (see nutritional analysis of chlorella).