{"num_reviews":0,"url":"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/mens-one-daily-iron-free-60-tablets-by-innate-response-formulas","add_this":[{"service":"facebook","annotation":""},{"service":"twitter","annotation":""},{"service":"linkedin","annotation":""}],"gtin":null,"brand":{"name":"Innate Response Formulas","url":"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/innate-response-formulas/"},"id":"26775","can_purchase":true,"meta_description":"Men's One Daily (Iron Free): Get your daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals with this complete multivitamin. Now with free shipping! Shop now and stay healthy.","category":["Brands/Innate Response Formulas"],"AddThisServiceButtonMeta":"","main_image":{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/26775/17998/mens%20one%20daily%20iron%20free%20-%2060%20tablets__32314.1638816680.jpg?c=1","alt":"Men's One Daily (Iron Free) 60t by Innate Response Formulas"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=26775","shipping":{"calculated":true},"custom_fields":[{"id":"107311","name":"Brand","value":"<a href='/Innate-Response-Formulas_c_208.html'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/brand-logos/innate-response-formulas_278x90.png\"></a>"},{"id":"107312","name":"Questions","value":"<a href=\"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/need-product-help\"><strong>Questions About this Product?</strong></a>"}],"sku":"INN-MENSO","description":"<div id=\"description\"><h3>Men's One Daily (Iron Free) 60t by Innate Response</h3><div><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Men's One Daily (Iron Free)</span> provides a comprehensive multivitamin formula tailored to the needs of men in a convenient one-tablet-daily formula.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>This formula contains FoodState Nutrients, which are vitamins and minerals designed to enhance digestibility and deliver greater nutritional value than synthetic counterparts.* Additionally, it contains a balanced blend of vitamin E as mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols, as well as an organic botanical blend to support men's health.* Furthermore, this product is designed to be taken once a day, which increases compliance.* FoodState Nutrients can be taken anytime of day, even on an empty stomach.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Men's One Daily (Iron Free) is a unique multivitamin formula specifically designed to meet the needs of men. It contains FoodState Nutrients, a balanced blend of vitamin E, and an organic botanical blend. This formula is designed to provide the essential vitamins and minerals needed by men in a convenient one-tablet-daily formula. It can be taken anytime of day, even on an empty stomach, which increases compliance. This product may help to support general health and wellness, and may help address certain symptoms associated with deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals.</div><div>&nbsp;</div>Men's One Daily (Iron Free) is a unique multivitamin formula designed to meet the needs of men. It contains FoodState Nutrients, a balanced blend of vitamin E, and an organic botanical blend. This formula is designed to provide essential vitamins and minerals in a convenient one-tablet-daily dose. It is designed to be taken anytime of day, even on an empty stomach, which increases compliance. This product may help to support general health and wellness, and may help address certain symptoms associated with deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals. It is a unique product on the market, offering a comprehensive formula tailored to men's needs.<div><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Recommendation:</span></div><div>Innate Response suggests taking 1 tablet of <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Men's One Daily</span> daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Serving Size:</span> 1 tablet</div><div><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Servings Per Container</span>: 60</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Amount Per Serving:</span></div><div>Vitamin A (Carrots*; 50 mg) 2500 IU&nbsp;</div><div>-As Alpha &amp; Beta Carotene with Mixed Carotenoids (Cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Lycopene)</div><div>Vitamin C (Oranges*; 240 mg) 60 mg&nbsp;</div><div>Vitamin D3 (S. cerevisiae*; 8 mg) 400 IU&nbsp;</div><div>Vitamin E (Brown Rice*; 60 mg) 15 IU&nbsp;</div><div>-Tocopherols (d-alpha, d-beta, d-gamma, d-delta)</div><div>-Tocotrienols (d-alpha, d-beta, d-gamma, d-delta)</div><div>Vitamin K (Cabbage*; 3 mg) 32 mcg&nbsp;</div><div>Thiamine (B1) (S. cerevisiae*; 16 mg) 4 mg&nbsp;</div><div>Riboflavin (B2) (S. cerevisiae*; 30 mg) 3 mg&nbsp;</div><div>Niacinamide (S. cerevisiae*; 80 mg) 20 mg&nbsp;</div><div>Vitamin B6 (S. cerevisiae*; 15 mg) 3 mg&nbsp;</div><div>Folate (Broccoli*; 40 mg) 400 mcg&nbsp;</div><div>Vitamin B12 (S. cerevisiae*; 3 mg) 15 mcg&nbsp;</div><div>Biotin (Brown Rice*; 24 mg) 120 mcg&nbsp;</div><div>Pantothenate (S. cerevisiae*; 40 mg) 10 mg&nbsp;</div><div>Calcium (S. cerevisiae*; 40 mg) 2 mg&nbsp;</div><div>Iodine (S. cerevisiae*; 4 mg) 60 mcg&nbsp;</div><div>Magnesium (S. cerevisiae*; 40 mg) 2 mg&nbsp;</div><div>Zinc (S. cerevisiae*; 300 mg) 15 mg&nbsp;</div><div>Selenium (S. cerevisiae*; 32 mg) 32 mcg&nbsp;</div><div>Copper (S. cerevisiae*; 5 mg) 50 mcg&nbsp;</div><div>Manganese (S. cerevisiae*; 20 mg) 1 mg&nbsp;</div><div>GTF Chromium (S. cerevisiae*; 30 mg) 60 mcg&nbsp;</div><div>Molybdenum (S. cerevisiae*; 10 mg) 20 mcg&nbsp;</div><div>Potassium (S. cerevisiae*; 763 mg) 4 mg&nbsp;</div><div>Boron (S. cerevisiae*; 50 mg) 500 mcg</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Phenolics*</div><div>-Orange, Wild Blueberry &amp; Cranberry 63 mg&nbsp;</div><div>--(Citrus sinensis, Vaccinium angustifolium, Vaccinium macrocarpon)</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Men's Organic Botanical Blend 70 mg&nbsp;</div><div>-Organic Eleuthero Root, Organic Fo-Ti Root, Organic Schizandra Berry, Organic Ginkgo Leaf, Organic Hawthorne Berry, Organic Ginger Root, Organic Nettle Leaf, Organic Saw Palmetto Berry, Organic Dandelion Leaf &amp; Root</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Immune Blend 781 mg</div><div>-S. cerevisiae, Organic Astragalus Root, Organic Shiitake Mushroom, Broccoli, Cabbage, Polysaccharides**, CoQ10**, SOD**, Glutathione**, Beta Glucans**, Lipoic Acid**, Trace Minerals**, Probiotics**</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Bioactive Enzymes &amp; Proteins 275 mg&nbsp;</div><div>-Enzymes**, Peptides**, RNA/DNA**, Amino Acids**, Branch Chain Amino Acids**</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>* True Active FoodState&reg; 100% Food Concentrates</div><div>** Naturally occurring&nbsp;</div><div>Glucose Tolerance Factor</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Other Ingredients:</span> Vegetable Cellulose, Silica, Vegetable Lubricant</div></div>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$44.99","value":44.99,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"detail_messages":"","availability":"Usually Ships in 48 to 72 Hours","page_title":"Men's One Daily (Iron Free) 60t by Innate Response Formulas","cart_url":"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/cart.php","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":"40054","upc":null,"options":[{"id":45501,"type":"Configurable_PickList_Set","display_name":"Recurring Order","required":true,"condition":false,"state":"modifier","values":[{"label":"One Time Purchase","id":48845,"data":"One Time Purchase","selected":true},{"label":"Every 20 Days","id":48846,"data":"Every 20 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 30 Days","id":48847,"data":"Every 30 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 40 Days","id":48848,"data":"Every 40 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 45 Days","id":159647,"data":"Every 45 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 60 Days","id":48849,"data":"Every 60 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 90 Days","id":48850,"data":"Every 90 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 120 Days","id":48851,"data":"Every 120 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 180 Days","id":48852,"data":"Every 180 Days","selected":false}],"partial":"set-select"}],"related_products":[{"id":26911,"sku":"INN-MOV40","name":"Men Over 40 One Daily Iron Free 60t","url":"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/men-over-40-one-daily-iron-free-60-tablets-by-innate-response-formulas","availability":"Usually Ships in 48 to 72 Hours","rating":0,"brand":{"name":"Innate Response Formulas"},"category":["Brands/Innate Response Formulas"],"summary":"\nMen Over 40 One Daily Iron Free 60t by Innate Response\nMen Over 40 One Daily Iron Free offers a foundational multivitamin formula specifically designed for men over 40 in a convenient one tablet...","image":{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/26911/17871/men%2520over%252040%2520one%2520daily%2520iron%2520free%2520-%252060%2520tablets__39059.1638816674.jpg?c=1","alt":"Men Over 40 One Daily Iron Free 60t by Innate Response Formulas"},"images":[{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/26911/17871/men%2520over%252040%2520one%2520daily%2520iron%2520free%2520-%252060%2520tablets__39059.1638816674.jpg?c=1","alt":"Men Over 40 One Daily Iron Free 60t by Innate Response Formulas"}],"date_added":"Dec 06, 2021","pre_order":false,"show_cart_action":true,"has_options":true,"stock_level":null,"low_stock_level":null,"qty_in_cart":0,"custom_fields":[{"id":107301,"name":"Brand","value":"<a href='/Innate-Response-Formulas_c_208.html'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/brand-logos/innate-response-formulas_278x90.png\"></a>"},{"id":107302,"name":"Questions","value":"<a href=\"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/need-product-help\"><strong>Questions About this Product?</strong></a>"}],"num_reviews":0,"weight":{"formatted":"0.55 Ounces","value":0.55},"demo":false,"price":{"without_tax":{"currency":"USD","formatted":"$49.99","value":49.99},"tax_label":"Tax"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=26911"}],"shipping_messages":[],"rating":0,"reviews":{"messages":[],"captcha":"6LdWf8gSAAAAAI83aRectJhbwidegZKk8PzWBltH","total":0,"show_review_email":true,"recaptcha":{"enabled":1,"public_key":"6LdWf8gSAAAAAI83aRectJhbwidegZKk8PzWBltH","markup":"<div class=\"g-recaptcha\" data-sitekey=\"6LcjX0sbAAAAACp92-MNpx66FT4pbIWh-FTDmkkz\"></div><br/>"}},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Men's One Daily (Iron Free) 60t","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":1,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/26775/17998/mens%20one%20daily%20iron%20free%20-%2060%20tablets__32314.1638816680.jpg?c=1","alt":"Men's One Daily (Iron Free) 60t by Innate Response Formulas"}]}

Men's One Daily (Iron Free) 60t

Innate Response Formulas

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Men's One Daily (Iron Free) 60t by Innate Response

Men's One Daily (Iron Free) provides a comprehensive multivitamin formula tailored to the needs of men in a convenient one-tablet-daily formula.
This formula contains FoodState Nutrients, which are vitamins and minerals designed to enhance digestibility and deliver greater nutritional value than synthetic counterparts.* Additionally, it contains a balanced blend of vitamin E as mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols, as well as an organic botanical blend to support men's health.* Furthermore, this product is designed to be taken once a day, which increases compliance.* FoodState Nutrients can be taken anytime of day, even on an empty stomach.
Men's One Daily (Iron Free) is a unique multivitamin formula specifically designed to meet the needs of men. It contains FoodState Nutrients, a balanced blend of vitamin E, and an organic botanical blend. This formula is designed to provide the essential vitamins and minerals needed by men in a convenient one-tablet-daily formula. It can be taken anytime of day, even on an empty stomach, which increases compliance. This product may help to support general health and wellness, and may help address certain symptoms associated with deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals.
Men's One Daily (Iron Free) is a unique multivitamin formula designed to meet the needs of men. It contains FoodState Nutrients, a balanced blend of vitamin E, and an organic botanical blend. This formula is designed to provide essential vitamins and minerals in a convenient one-tablet-daily dose. It is designed to be taken anytime of day, even on an empty stomach, which increases compliance. This product may help to support general health and wellness, and may help address certain symptoms associated with deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals. It is a unique product on the market, offering a comprehensive formula tailored to men's needs.
Innate Response suggests taking 1 tablet of Men's One Daily daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Serving Size: 1 tablet
Servings Per Container: 60
Amount Per Serving:
Vitamin A (Carrots*; 50 mg) 2500 IU 
-As Alpha & Beta Carotene with Mixed Carotenoids (Cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Lycopene)
Vitamin C (Oranges*; 240 mg) 60 mg 
Vitamin D3 (S. cerevisiae*; 8 mg) 400 IU 
Vitamin E (Brown Rice*; 60 mg) 15 IU 
-Tocopherols (d-alpha, d-beta, d-gamma, d-delta)
-Tocotrienols (d-alpha, d-beta, d-gamma, d-delta)
Vitamin K (Cabbage*; 3 mg) 32 mcg 
Thiamine (B1) (S. cerevisiae*; 16 mg) 4 mg 
Riboflavin (B2) (S. cerevisiae*; 30 mg) 3 mg 
Niacinamide (S. cerevisiae*; 80 mg) 20 mg 
Vitamin B6 (S. cerevisiae*; 15 mg) 3 mg 
Folate (Broccoli*; 40 mg) 400 mcg 
Vitamin B12 (S. cerevisiae*; 3 mg) 15 mcg 
Biotin (Brown Rice*; 24 mg) 120 mcg 
Pantothenate (S. cerevisiae*; 40 mg) 10 mg 
Calcium (S. cerevisiae*; 40 mg) 2 mg 
Iodine (S. cerevisiae*; 4 mg) 60 mcg 
Magnesium (S. cerevisiae*; 40 mg) 2 mg 
Zinc (S. cerevisiae*; 300 mg) 15 mg 
Selenium (S. cerevisiae*; 32 mg) 32 mcg 
Copper (S. cerevisiae*; 5 mg) 50 mcg 
Manganese (S. cerevisiae*; 20 mg) 1 mg 
GTF Chromium (S. cerevisiae*; 30 mg) 60 mcg 
Molybdenum (S. cerevisiae*; 10 mg) 20 mcg 
Potassium (S. cerevisiae*; 763 mg) 4 mg 
Boron (S. cerevisiae*; 50 mg) 500 mcg
-Orange, Wild Blueberry & Cranberry 63 mg 
--(Citrus sinensis, Vaccinium angustifolium, Vaccinium macrocarpon)
Men's Organic Botanical Blend 70 mg 
-Organic Eleuthero Root, Organic Fo-Ti Root, Organic Schizandra Berry, Organic Ginkgo Leaf, Organic Hawthorne Berry, Organic Ginger Root, Organic Nettle Leaf, Organic Saw Palmetto Berry, Organic Dandelion Leaf & Root
Immune Blend 781 mg
-S. cerevisiae, Organic Astragalus Root, Organic Shiitake Mushroom, Broccoli, Cabbage, Polysaccharides**, CoQ10**, SOD**, Glutathione**, Beta Glucans**, Lipoic Acid**, Trace Minerals**, Probiotics**
Bioactive Enzymes & Proteins 275 mg 
-Enzymes**, Peptides**, RNA/DNA**, Amino Acids**, Branch Chain Amino Acids**
* True Active FoodState® 100% Food Concentrates
** Naturally occurring 
Glucose Tolerance Factor
Other Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose, Silica, Vegetable Lubricant