{"num_reviews":5,"url":"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/dadamo-home-blood-type-testing-kit-by-dadamo-personalized-nutrition","add_this":[{"service":"facebook","annotation":""},{"service":"twitter","annotation":""},{"service":"linkedin","annotation":""}],"gtin":null,"brand":{"name":"D Adamo Personalized Nutrition","url":"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/d-adamo-personalized-nutrition/"},"options":[{"id":35779,"type":"Configurable_PickList_Set","display_name":"Recurring Order","required":true,"condition":false,"state":"modifier","values":[{"label":"One Time Purchase","id":48845,"data":"One Time Purchase","selected":true},{"label":"Every 20 Days","id":48846,"data":"Every 20 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 30 Days","id":48847,"data":"Every 30 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 40 Days","id":48848,"data":"Every 40 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 45 Days","id":159647,"data":"Every 45 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 60 Days","id":48849,"data":"Every 60 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 90 Days","id":48850,"data":"Every 90 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 120 Days","id":48851,"data":"Every 120 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 180 Days","id":48852,"data":"Every 180 Days","selected":false}],"partial":"set-select"}],"id":16955,"can_purchase":true,"meta_description":"Be prepared for medical emergencies with a home blood type testing kit. It includes instructions, finger lancet and alcohol prep, and applicator sticks.","category":["Brands/D'Adamo Personalized Nutrition Supplements"],"AddThisServiceButtonMeta":"","main_image":{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/16955/31975/home-blood-type-testing-kit__37410.1710428239.jpg?c=1","alt":"Home Blood Type Testing Kit by D'Adamo Personalized Nutrition"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=16955","shipping":{"calculated":true},"custom_fields":[{"id":"131194","name":"Brand","value":"<a href='/brands/dadamo-personalized-nutrition/'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/brand-logos/d-adamo-personalized-nutrition_278x90.png\" width=\"278\" height=\"90\"></a>"},{"id":"131195","name":"Questions","value":"<a href='/complimentary-product-consultation/'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/need_someone_to_talk_to_250px.png\"></a><div><a href=\"/need-product-help\">Talk to an Expert</a></div>"}],"sku":"NAP-BLOO8","description":"<div id=\"description\">\n<h3>Home Blood Type Testing Kit by D Adamo Personalized Nutrition</h3>\n<p>Your blood type is a genetic powerhouse with primary influence on the immune system, metabolism, and digestive processes. By knowing your blood type, you will take an important step toward personalizing your health decisions for a more vibrant, healthy life.</p>\n<h3>How to use&nbsp;at Home Blood Type Test?</h3>\n<p>Safe and easy to use, our new Original Home Blood-Typing Kit now has a more secure package along with everything you need to determine your blood type, including an extra lancet:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Detailed instructions that are easy to follow</li>\n<li>EldonCard used for determining blood type for one individual</li>\n<li>2 Automatic lancets - one to use, the other a spare</li>\n<li>Alcohol sanitizing prep wipe</li>\n<li>Plastic dropper used for placing water droplets</li>\n<li>4 applicator sticks used for placing blood</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Performing the <strong>home blood type test</strong> is easy. Carefully read the included instructions before beginning, and you will be rewarded with accurate results.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>After first cleaning with the supplied alcohol prep pad, the finger is lanced with the sterile disposable lancet. The finger is massaged and a drop of blood is placed on top of each of the four collection sticks. The sticks are then applied to the card, mixed with water, and stirred according to directions.</p>\n<p>The results are then read from the card. Within minutes you will be able to determine your ABO blood type and your RH factor. Please note, this is only an outline; you'll need to read and carefully follow the detailed instructions.</p>\n</div>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$9.95","value":9.95,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"detail_messages":"","availability":"Usually Ships in 48 to 72 Hours","page_title":"Home Blood Type Test Kit. D Adamo at Home Blood Test - Covenant Health Products","cart_url":"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/cart.php","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":"YTE001","upc":null,"shipping_messages":[],"rating":5,"reviews":{"messages":[],"captcha":"6LdWf8gSAAAAAI83aRectJhbwidegZKk8PzWBltH","total":5,"show_review_email":true,"end":5,"recaptcha":{"enabled":1,"public_key":"6LdWf8gSAAAAAI83aRectJhbwidegZKk8PzWBltH","markup":"<div class=\"g-recaptcha\" data-sitekey=\"6LcjX0sbAAAAACp92-MNpx66FT4pbIWh-FTDmkkz\"></div><br/>"},"start":1,"list":[{"name":"satisfied customer","rating":"5","title":"Happy customer","text":"I received the blood typing test I ordered very quickly. The price was very reasonable and the shipping was free. I would order from this company again.","date":"Aug 10, 2015"},{"name":"C Stewart","rating":"5","title":"consumer","text":"Fast shipping on this item. The instructions and video on the site were great!","date":"Jul 23, 2015"},{"name":"Sefora","rating":"5","title":"Eldoncan worked great. ","text":"This card works great if you want to know your blood type. Easy to follow instructions. It is good to have someone with you to help. I got my results in minutes. Also great customer service with Covenant Health Products. Highly recommend them as they helped me out a lot. I would definitely purchase with Covenant again. ","date":"Feb 16, 2015"},{"name":"CH","rating":"5","title":"Good product","text":"Worked great.","date":"Feb 13, 2015"},{"name":"Vic","rating":"5","title":"I&#039;&#039;m satisfied","text":"Thank you!","date":"Jan 01, 2015"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Home Blood Type Testing Kit (Rebranded Eldon)","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/16955/31975/home-blood-type-testing-kit__37410.1710428239.jpg?c=1","alt":"Home Blood Type Testing Kit by D'Adamo Personalized Nutrition"}]}

Home Blood Type Testing Kit (Rebranded Eldon)

D Adamo Personalized Nutrition

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Usually Ships in 48 to 72 Hours
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Home Blood Type Testing Kit by D Adamo Personalized Nutrition

Your blood type is a genetic powerhouse with primary influence on the immune system, metabolism, and digestive processes. By knowing your blood type, you will take an important step toward personalizing your health decisions for a more vibrant, healthy life.

How to use at Home Blood Type Test?

Safe and easy to use, our new Original Home Blood-Typing Kit now has a more secure package along with everything you need to determine your blood type, including an extra lancet:

  • Detailed instructions that are easy to follow
  • EldonCard used for determining blood type for one individual
  • 2 Automatic lancets - one to use, the other a spare
  • Alcohol sanitizing prep wipe
  • Plastic dropper used for placing water droplets
  • 4 applicator sticks used for placing blood

Performing the home blood type test is easy. Carefully read the included instructions before beginning, and you will be rewarded with accurate results. 

After first cleaning with the supplied alcohol prep pad, the finger is lanced with the sterile disposable lancet. The finger is massaged and a drop of blood is placed on top of each of the four collection sticks. The sticks are then applied to the card, mixed with water, and stirred according to directions.

The results are then read from the card. Within minutes you will be able to determine your ABO blood type and your RH factor. Please note, this is only an outline; you'll need to read and carefully follow the detailed instructions.

5 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Happy customer

    Posted by satisfied customer on Aug 10, 2015

    I received the blood typing test I ordered very quickly. The price was very reasonable and the shipping was free. I would order from this company again.

  • 5

    Posted by C Stewart on Jul 23, 2015

    Fast shipping on this item. The instructions and video on the site were great!

  • 5
    Eldoncan worked great.

    Posted by Sefora on Feb 16, 2015

    This card works great if you want to know your blood type. Easy to follow instructions. It is good to have someone with you to help. I got my results in minutes. Also great customer service with Covenant Health Products. Highly recommend them as they helped me out a lot. I would definitely purchase with Covenant again.

  • 5
    Good product

    Posted by CH on Feb 13, 2015

    Worked great.

  • 5
    I''m satisfied

    Posted by Vic on Jan 01, 2015

    Thank you!