Creatine Monohydrate 325 gms by Metabolic Response Modifier
Metabolic Response Modifier suggests taking as a dietary supplement or as directed by your healthcare provider or trainer.
Loading Phase (Day 1-5): One heaping scoop (approx 5 gram) of Creatine Monohydrate 4-6 times per day for the first 5 days. Individuals under 200 pounds,4 doses per day. Over 200 pounds 6 doses per day.
Maintenance (Day 6-42): One heaping scoop immediately preceding or following exercise.
Serving Size: 1 scoop (approx. 5 grams)
Servings Per Container: 65 (approx.)
Amount Per Serving:
Creatine Monohydrate 5,000 mg (5 gram - Pharmaceutical Grade).
Other Ingredients: No excipients added. Contains NO common allergens, artificial flavoring or colors.
One 5 gram scoop included in container.