Allergy Research Group Zen|Sleep and Aniexty Relief
How do you deal with stress? Maybe these two compounds:GABA and Theanine might help.
January 20th, 2022
How do you deal with stress?
Maybe these two compounds; GABA and Theanine might help
Why your your mood might be impacted.
Research has shown that certain dietary ingredients can affect the body's levels of neurotransmitters (e.g., Dopamine, serotonin, and GABA are all affected by dietary components. These neurotransmitters may be altered by metabolic stress, vitamin deficiencies, or other factors, such as vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 can have a significant impact on mood, emotional state, and motor function.
Having problems with sleeping?
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) and Theanine (Glutamic Acid Gamma-Ethylamide) just might be the answer you are looking for!
GABA, the brain's main inhibitory neurotransmitter, is present at 20% of central nervous system synapses. GABA inhibits neurons via its neuronal receptor A. It causes an influx of chloride ions. GABA's chloride influx is part of the body's mechanisms that control mood, muscle relaxation, and sleep. Excessive neuronal activity can be caused by a decrease in GABA's inhibitory mediator function or a dysregulated sensitivity to GABA receptors. *
Theanine has also been shown to have calming effects. Theanine has a unique combination that allows it to relieve sleeplessness and restore calm alertness in times of fatigue or drowsiness. Studies on humans have shown that oral theanine supplementation can increase alpha wave activity and promote calm relaxation. Theanine has been shown to reduce premenstrual symptoms, and it supports a healthy, normal attitude. L-theanine, a component in green tea, is 200 mg of Zen. Zen doesn't contain caffeine. We only use Suntheanine(r), which is pure L-theanine, from Taiyo International, Inc.
Allergy Research Group 200mg of Zen
A product that might help you find the solution you need.
200mg of Zen contains gamma–aminobutyric (GABA), and theanine, a derivative of green tea (Camellia Sinensis) amino acids. They work together to support healthy moods, relaxation, and no sedation during the day or night. *
Key Features:
- Promotes relaxation and calmness
-May help with PMS symptoms
-May be helpful during the daytime or nighttime
Three types of products to choose from:
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Written by Michael
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