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Get free shipping when you purchase today and experience the benefits!","category":["Brands/Xymogen Professional Formulas Supplements","Brands/Xymogen","Clinic Recommended Products","Clinic Recommended Products/Bone Joint and Muscle Support Supplements","Clinic Recommended Products/Bone Joint and Muscle Support Supplements/Bone Support Supplements","GLP-1 Support Supplements","GLP-1 Support Supplements/GLP-1 Bone Health"],"AddThisServiceButtonMeta":"","main_image":{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/18506/39151/OSAplex-MK-7-60p-Xymogen_36_11zon__55190.1742375737.jpg?c=1","alt":"OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt. by Xymogen"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=18506","shipping":{"calculated":true},"custom_fields":[{"id":"150626","name":"Brand","value":"<a href='/brands/xymogen-professional-formulas/'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/brand-logos/xymogen_278x90.png\" width=\"278\" height=\"90\"></a>"},{"id":"150627","name":"Questions","value":"<a href='/complimentary-product-consultation/'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/need_someone_to_talk_to_250px.png\"></a><div><a href=\"/need-product-help\">Talk to an Expert</a></div>"},{"id":"153417","name":"Blog Post","value":"<a href='/our-blog/osaplex-mk-7-a-key-to-robust-bone-health'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/Click_here_for_Blog_250px.png\"></a><a href=\"/blog\">View Blog Post</a>"}],"sku":"XY-OSAMK7","description":"<div id=\"description\">\n<h3>OSAplex MK-7 60 Packets by Xymogen</h3>\n<p><strong>OSAplex MK-7 by Xymogen</strong> is a complete, easy-to-use <a href=\"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/clinic-recommended-products/bone-joint-and-muscle-support-supplements/\">bone joint and muscle support supplement</a> with multiple potential, beneficial effects.* Each packet contains two capsules with a blend of microcrystalline hydroxyapatite concentrate (MCHC) from Ossopan 1100&trade;, vitamin D3, and vitamin K2, along with one capsule of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid (ch-OSA&reg;&Dagger;).* As such, this product can provide essential nutrients and vitamins that your bones and muscles may need.*</p>\n<h3>Who Should Consider OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt by Xymogen?</h3>\n<p><strong>OSAplex MK-7 60 pkt may support your health if you:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>do not consume sufficient amounts of vitamins D3 and K2 in your diet*</li>\n<li>want to improve your bone strength and density*</li>\n<li>look for a complex supplement that provides multiple essential nutrients*</li>\n</ul>\n<h3>How May OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt Support Your Health?</h3>\n<p><strong>OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt may:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>support bone strength and mineral density*</li>\n<li>promote bone collagen formation*</li>\n<li>help you maintain bone health by providing your body with multiple nutrient*</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>Supplements support your health but do not replace a balanced diet. </strong>Always check with your healthcare practitioner if you have doubts about a new supplement. Book a <a href=\"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/complimentary-product-consultation/\">FREE product consultation</a> to learn more about OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt.</p>\n<p><strong>Recommendation:<br /></strong>Xymogen suggests consuming the contents of one&nbsp;OSAplex MK-7 packet daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.<br />*Each packet contains: 2 ActivNutrients without Iron capsules, 1 Oraxinol capsule, 1 OmegaPure 600 EC softgel.*</p>\n<p><strong>Serving Size:</strong> 1 Packet<br /><strong>Servings Per Container:</strong> 60</p>\n<p><strong>Amount Per Serving:</strong></p>\n<p><strong>MICROCRYSTALLINE HYDROXYAPATITE CONCENTRATE WITH VITAMIN D3 AND K2 CAPSULES:<br /></strong>Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 25 mcg (1000 IU)<br />Calcium (as MCHC)S2 550 mg<br />Phosphorus (as MCHC)S2 198 mg<br />MCHC S2 2.2 g&nbsp;<br />Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite (as MCHC)S2 1.32 g&nbsp;<br />Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7) 45 mcg</p>\n<p><strong>Other Ingredients for MICROCRYSTALLINE HYDROXYAPATITE CONCENTRATE&nbsp;WITH VITAMIN D3 AND K2 CAPSULES:</strong><br />Capsule (hypromellose and water), vegetable stearic acid, vegetable magnesium stearate, medium-chain triglyceride oil, and silica.</p>\n<p><strong>CHOLINE-STABILIZED ORTHOSILICIC ACID CAPSULE:<br /></strong>Choline (as choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid)<sup>S1 </sup>60 mg<br />Silicon (as choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid)<sup>S1&nbsp;</sup>3 mg</p>\n<p><strong>Other Ingredients for&nbsp;CHOLINE-STABILIZED ORTHOSILICIC ACID CAPSULE:<br /></strong>Microcrystalline cellulose, capsule (hypromellose and water), and purified water.</p>\n<p><strong>Does Not Contain:&nbsp;</strong>Wheat, gluten, yeast, soy protein, dairy products, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, egg, sesame, ingredients derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, and artificial preservatives.</p>\n<p><strong>Caution:<br /></strong>Consult your healthcare professional prior to use. Individuals taking medication should discuss potential interactions with their healthcare professional. Consider total vitamin K intake (food + supplements) if you are taking blood-thinning medication. Do not use if packet is damaged.</p>\n<p>*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.</p>\n<p><strong>Storage:<br /></strong>Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place out of reach of children.</p>\n<p><a href=\"../../../../content/osaplex20family20rv-drs198-080613-final-jc.pdf\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Click here to view Data Sheet</a></p>\n<p><em><small>LEGAL NOTICE: Xymogen's Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The Internet Sale and Discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited. covenanthealthproducts.com makes XYMOGEN formulas available only to patients of our clinic. If you are a patient of covenanthealthproducts.com, you may inquire about XYMOGEN by calling (800) 627-6518</small></em></p>\n<p><strong>References:</strong></p>\n<ol>\n<li>Albertazzi, P., Steel, S. A., Howarth, E. M., et al. (2004). Comparison of the effects of two different types of calcium supplementation on markers of bone metabolism in a postmenopausal osteopenic population with low calcium intake: A double-blind placebo-controlled trial. <em>Climacteric, 7</em>(1), 33&ndash;40. [PMID: 15259281]</li>\n<li>Bischoff-Ferrari, H. A., Willett, W. C., Orav, E. J., et al. (2012). A pooled analysis of vitamin D dose requirements for fracture prevention. <em>New England Journal of Medicine, 367</em>(1), 40&ndash;49. [PMID: 22762317]</li>\n<li>Blair, H. C., Robinson, L. J., Huang, C. L., et al. (2011). Calcium and bone disease. <em>Biofactors, 37</em>(3), 159&ndash;167. [PMID: 21674636]</li>\n<li>Calomme, M. R., Geusens, P., Demeester, N., et al. (2006). Partial prevention of long-term femoral bone loss in aged ovariectomized rats supplemented with choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid. <em>Calcified Tissue International, 78</em>(4), 227&ndash;232. [PMID: 16604283]</li>\n<li>Calomme, M. R., &amp; Vanden Berghe, D. A. (1997). Supplementation of calves with stabilized orthosilicic acid. Effect on the Si, Ca, Mg, and P concentrations in serum and the collagen concentration in skin and cartilage. <em>Biological Trace Element Research, 56</em>(2), 153&ndash;165. [PMID: 9164661]</li>\n<li>Castelo-Branco, C., Ciria-Recasens, M., Cancelo-Hidalgo, M. J., et al. (2009). Efficacy of ossein-hydroxyapatite complex compared with calcium carbonate to prevent bone loss: A meta-analysis. <em>Menopause, 16</em>(5), 984&ndash;991. [PMID: 19407667]</li>\n<li>Castelo-Branco, C., Pons, F., Vicente, J. J., et al. (1999). Preventing postmenopausal bone loss with ossein-hydroxyapatite compounds. Results of a two-year, prospective trial. <em>Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 44</em>(7), 601&ndash;605. [PMID: 10442322]</li>\n<li>Gaby, A. (2011). <em>Nutritional medicine.</em> Concord, NH: Fritz Perlberg Publishing.</li>\n<li>Jugdaohsingh, R. (2007). Silicon and bone health. <em>Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging, 11</em>(2), 99&ndash;110. [PMID: 17435952]</li>\n<li>K&auml;rkk&auml;inen, M., Tuppurainen, M., Salovaara, K., et al. (2010). Effect of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on bone mineral density in women aged 65&ndash;71 years: A 3-year randomized population-based trial (OSTPRE-FPS). <em>Osteoporosis International, 21</em>(12), 2047&ndash;2055. [PMID: 20204604]</li>\n<li>Knapen, M. H., Drummen, N. E., Smit, E., et al. (2013). Three-year low-dose menaquinone-7 supplementation helps decrease bone loss in healthy postmenopausal women. <em>Osteoporosis International</em>. [Epub ahead of print]. [PMID: 23525894]</li>\n<li>Lips, P., &amp; van Schoor, N. M. (2011). The effect of vitamin D on bone and osteoporosis. <em>Best Practice &amp; Research Clinical Endocrinology &amp; Metabolism, 25</em>(4), 585&ndash;591. [PMID: 21872800]</li>\n<li>Pelayo, I., Haya, J., De la Cruz, J. J., et al. (2008). Raloxifene plus ossein-hydroxyapatite compound versus raloxifene plus calcium carbonate to control bone loss in postmenopausal women: A randomized trial. <em>Menopause, 15</em>(6), 1132&ndash;1138. [PMID: 18791486]</li>\n<li>Reffitt, D. M., Ogston, N., Jugdaohsingh, R., et al. (2003). Orthosilicic acid stimulates collagen type 1 synthesis and osteoblastic differentiation in human osteoblast-like cells in vitro. <em>Bone, 32</em>(2), 127&ndash;135. [PMID: 12633784]</li>\n<li>R&uuml;egsegger, P., Keller, A., &amp; Dambacher, M. A. (1995). Comparison of the treatment effects of ossein-hydroxyapatite compound and calcium carbonate in osteoporotic females. <em>Osteoporosis International, 5</em>(1), 30&ndash;34. [PMID: 7703621]</li>\n<li>Schurgers, L. J., Teunissen, K. J., Hamuly&aacute;k, K., et al. (2007). Vitamin K-containing dietary supplements: Comparison of synthetic vitamin K1 and natto-derived menaquinone-7. <em>Blood, 109</em>(8), 3279&ndash;3283. [PMID: 17158229]</li>\n<li>Shearer, M. J. (1997). The roles of vitamins D and K in bone health and osteoporosis prevention. <em>Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 56</em>(3), 915&ndash;937. [PMID: 9483660]</li>\n<li>Spector, T. D., Calomme, M. R., Anderson, S. H., et al. (2008). Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid supplementation as an adjunct to calcium/vitamin D3 stimulates markers of bone formation in osteopenic females: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial. <em>BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 9</em>, 85. [PMID: 18547426]</li>\n<li>Silica. (2013). <em>Natural Standard Database.</em> Retrieved June 12, 2013, from http://www.naturalstandard.com/databases/herbssupplements/silica.asp?#</li>\n<li>Viguet-Carrin, S., Garnero, P., &amp; Delmas, P. D. (2006). The role of collagen in bone strength. <em>Osteoporosis International, 17</em>(3), 319&ndash;336. [PMID: 16341622]</li>\n<li>Weber, P. (1997). Management of osteoporosis: Is there a role for vitamin K? <em>International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 67</em>(5), 350&ndash;356. [PMID: 9350477]</li>\n</ol>\n</div>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$114.99","value":114.99,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"detail_messages":"","availability":"Usually Ships in 48 to 72 Hours","page_title":"OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt. by Xymogen - Covenant Health Products","cart_url":"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/cart.php","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":"300001048","upc":"871149003630","options":[{"id":37328,"type":"Configurable_PickList_Set","display_name":"Recurring Order","required":true,"condition":false,"state":"modifier","values":[{"label":"One Time Purchase","id":48845,"data":"One Time Purchase","selected":true},{"label":"Every 20 Days","id":48846,"data":"Every 20 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 30 Days","id":48847,"data":"Every 30 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 40 Days","id":48848,"data":"Every 40 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 45 Days","id":159647,"data":"Every 45 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 60 Days","id":48849,"data":"Every 60 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 90 Days","id":48850,"data":"Every 90 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 120 Days","id":48851,"data":"Every 120 Days","selected":false},{"label":"Every 180 Days","id":48852,"data":"Every 180 Days","selected":false}],"partial":"set-select"}],"related_products":[{"id":17804,"sku":"XY-OSAPLEX","name":"OSApleX 60 pkt.","url":"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/osaplex-60-packets-xymogen/","availability":"Usually Ships in 48 to 72 Hours","rating":0,"brand":{"name":"Xymogen"},"category":["Brands/Xymogen Professional Formulas Supplements","Brands/Xymogen","Clinic Recommended Products","Clinic Recommended Products/Bone Joint and Muscle Support Supplements","Clinic Recommended Products/Bone Joint and Muscle Support Supplements/Bone Support Supplements","GLP-1 Support Supplements","GLP-1 Support Supplements/GLP-1 Bone Health"],"summary":"\n\nOSApleX 60 packets by Xymogen\nOSApleX by Xymogen is an all-in-one dietary supplement crafted to maintain healthy bones, cartilage, and ligaments. Each packet contains two capsules packed with a...","image":{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/17804/39150/OSAplex-60p-Xymogen_35_11zon__16897.1742375706.jpg?c=1","alt":"OSApleX 60 pkt. by Xymogen"},"images":[{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/17804/39150/OSAplex-60p-Xymogen_35_11zon__16897.1742375706.jpg?c=1","alt":"OSApleX 60 pkt. by Xymogen"}],"date_added":"Dec 06, 2021","pre_order":false,"show_cart_action":true,"has_options":true,"stock_level":null,"low_stock_level":null,"qty_in_cart":0,"custom_fields":[{"id":151036,"name":"Brand","value":"<a href='/brands/xymogen-professional-formulas/'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/brand-logos/xymogen_278x90.png\" width=\"278\" height=\"90\"></a>"},{"id":151037,"name":"Questions","value":"<a href='/complimentary-product-consultation/'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/need_someone_to_talk_to_250px.png\"></a><div><a href=\"/need-product-help\">Talk to an Expert</a></div>"},{"id":151038,"name":"Blog Post","value":"<a href='/our-blog/osaplex-by-xymogen-revolutionizing-joint-health-bone-strength'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/Click_here_for_Blog_250px.png\"></a><div><a href=\"/blog\">View Blog Post</a></div>"}],"num_reviews":0,"weight":{"formatted":"0.00 Ounces","value":0},"demo":false,"price":{"without_tax":{"currency":"USD","formatted":"$106.99","value":106.99},"tax_label":"Tax"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=17804"},{"id":17993,"sku":"XY-REGENLIQ","name":"RegeneMax Liquid 1 oz.","url":"https://covenanthealthproducts.com/regenemax-liquid-1-oz-xymogen/","availability":"Usually Ships in 48 to 72 Hours","rating":0,"brand":{"name":"Xymogen"},"category":["Brands/Xymogen Professional Formulas Supplements","Clinic Recommended Products","Clinic Recommended Products/Hair and Nails Supplements","GLP-1 Support Supplements","GLP-1 Support Supplements/GLP-1 Bone Health"],"summary":"\n","image":{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/17993/39268/regenemax-liquid-1-oz-xymogen_9_11zon__57743.1742550754.jpg?c=1","alt":"RegeneMax Liquid 1oz by Xymogen"},"images":[{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/17993/39268/regenemax-liquid-1-oz-xymogen_9_11zon__57743.1742550754.jpg?c=1","alt":"RegeneMax Liquid 1oz by Xymogen"}],"date_added":"Dec 06, 2021","pre_order":false,"show_cart_action":true,"has_options":true,"stock_level":null,"low_stock_level":null,"qty_in_cart":0,"custom_fields":[{"id":151997,"name":"Brand","value":"<a href='/brands/xymogen-professional-formulas/'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/brand-logos/xymogen_278x90.png\" width=\"278\" height=\"90\"></a>"},{"id":151998,"name":"Questions","value":"<a href='/complimentary-product-consultation/'><img src=https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/product_images/uploaded_images/need_someone_to_talk_to_250px.png\"></a><div><a href=\"/need-product-help\">Talk to an Expert</a></div>"},{"id":151999,"name":"Clinic Approved","value":"Yes"}],"num_reviews":0,"weight":{"formatted":"0.00 Ounces","value":0},"demo":false,"price":{"without_tax":{"currency":"USD","formatted":"$45.99","value":45.99},"tax_label":"Tax"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=17993"}],"shipping_messages":[],"rating":5,"reviews":{"messages":[],"captcha":"6LdWf8gSAAAAAI83aRectJhbwidegZKk8PzWBltH","total":1,"show_review_email":true,"end":1,"recaptcha":{"enabled":1,"public_key":"6LdWf8gSAAAAAI83aRectJhbwidegZKk8PzWBltH","markup":"<div class=\"g-recaptcha\" data-sitekey=\"6LcjX0sbAAAAACp92-MNpx66FT4pbIWh-FTDmkkz\"></div><br/>"},"start":1,"list":[{"name":"Deborah Takemoto","rating":"5","title":"Dr.","text":"The OSAplex MK-7 is wonderful! It helps both bones and cartilage for me. The price at Covenant House is more than reasonable. Thank you!","date":"Mar 14, 2015"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt.","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":1,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-35tuw7jhw2/images/stencil/{:size}/products/18506/39151/OSAplex-MK-7-60p-Xymogen_36_11zon__55190.1742375737.jpg?c=1","alt":"OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt. by Xymogen"}]}

OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt.


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OSAplex MK-7 60 Packets by Xymogen

OSAplex MK-7 by Xymogen is a complete, easy-to-use bone joint and muscle support supplement with multiple potential, beneficial effects.* Each packet contains two capsules with a blend of microcrystalline hydroxyapatite concentrate (MCHC) from Ossopan 1100™, vitamin D3, and vitamin K2, along with one capsule of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid (ch-OSA®‡).* As such, this product can provide essential nutrients and vitamins that your bones and muscles may need.*

Who Should Consider OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt by Xymogen?

OSAplex MK-7 60 pkt may support your health if you:

  • do not consume sufficient amounts of vitamins D3 and K2 in your diet*
  • want to improve your bone strength and density*
  • look for a complex supplement that provides multiple essential nutrients*

How May OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt Support Your Health?

OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt may:

  • support bone strength and mineral density*
  • promote bone collagen formation*
  • help you maintain bone health by providing your body with multiple nutrient*

Supplements support your health but do not replace a balanced diet. Always check with your healthcare practitioner if you have doubts about a new supplement. Book a FREE product consultation to learn more about OSAplex MK-7 60 Pkt.

Xymogen suggests consuming the contents of one OSAplex MK-7 packet daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
*Each packet contains: 2 ActivNutrients without Iron capsules, 1 Oraxinol capsule, 1 OmegaPure 600 EC softgel.*

Serving Size: 1 Packet
Servings Per Container: 60

Amount Per Serving:

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 25 mcg (1000 IU)
Calcium (as MCHC)S2 550 mg
Phosphorus (as MCHC)S2 198 mg
MCHC S2 2.2 g 
Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite (as MCHC)S2 1.32 g 
Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7) 45 mcg

Capsule (hypromellose and water), vegetable stearic acid, vegetable magnesium stearate, medium-chain triglyceride oil, and silica.

Choline (as choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid)S1 60 mg
Silicon (as choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid)S1 3 mg

Microcrystalline cellulose, capsule (hypromellose and water), and purified water.

Does Not Contain: Wheat, gluten, yeast, soy protein, dairy products, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, egg, sesame, ingredients derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, and artificial preservatives.

Consult your healthcare professional prior to use. Individuals taking medication should discuss potential interactions with their healthcare professional. Consider total vitamin K intake (food + supplements) if you are taking blood-thinning medication. Do not use if packet is damaged.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place out of reach of children.

Click here to view Data Sheet

LEGAL NOTICE: Xymogen's Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The Internet Sale and Discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited. covenanthealthproducts.com makes XYMOGEN formulas available only to patients of our clinic. If you are a patient of covenanthealthproducts.com, you may inquire about XYMOGEN by calling (800) 627-6518


  1. Albertazzi, P., Steel, S. A., Howarth, E. M., et al. (2004). Comparison of the effects of two different types of calcium supplementation on markers of bone metabolism in a postmenopausal osteopenic population with low calcium intake: A double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Climacteric, 7(1), 33–40. [PMID: 15259281]
  2. Bischoff-Ferrari, H. A., Willett, W. C., Orav, E. J., et al. (2012). A pooled analysis of vitamin D dose requirements for fracture prevention. New England Journal of Medicine, 367(1), 40–49. [PMID: 22762317]
  3. Blair, H. C., Robinson, L. J., Huang, C. L., et al. (2011). Calcium and bone disease. Biofactors, 37(3), 159–167. [PMID: 21674636]
  4. Calomme, M. R., Geusens, P., Demeester, N., et al. (2006). Partial prevention of long-term femoral bone loss in aged ovariectomized rats supplemented with choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid. Calcified Tissue International, 78(4), 227–232. [PMID: 16604283]
  5. Calomme, M. R., & Vanden Berghe, D. A. (1997). Supplementation of calves with stabilized orthosilicic acid. Effect on the Si, Ca, Mg, and P concentrations in serum and the collagen concentration in skin and cartilage. Biological Trace Element Research, 56(2), 153–165. [PMID: 9164661]
  6. Castelo-Branco, C., Ciria-Recasens, M., Cancelo-Hidalgo, M. J., et al. (2009). Efficacy of ossein-hydroxyapatite complex compared with calcium carbonate to prevent bone loss: A meta-analysis. Menopause, 16(5), 984–991. [PMID: 19407667]
  7. Castelo-Branco, C., Pons, F., Vicente, J. J., et al. (1999). Preventing postmenopausal bone loss with ossein-hydroxyapatite compounds. Results of a two-year, prospective trial. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 44(7), 601–605. [PMID: 10442322]
  8. Gaby, A. (2011). Nutritional medicine. Concord, NH: Fritz Perlberg Publishing.
  9. Jugdaohsingh, R. (2007). Silicon and bone health. Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging, 11(2), 99–110. [PMID: 17435952]
  10. Kärkkäinen, M., Tuppurainen, M., Salovaara, K., et al. (2010). Effect of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on bone mineral density in women aged 65–71 years: A 3-year randomized population-based trial (OSTPRE-FPS). Osteoporosis International, 21(12), 2047–2055. [PMID: 20204604]
  11. Knapen, M. H., Drummen, N. E., Smit, E., et al. (2013). Three-year low-dose menaquinone-7 supplementation helps decrease bone loss in healthy postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis International. [Epub ahead of print]. [PMID: 23525894]
  12. Lips, P., & van Schoor, N. M. (2011). The effect of vitamin D on bone and osteoporosis. Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 25(4), 585–591. [PMID: 21872800]
  13. Pelayo, I., Haya, J., De la Cruz, J. J., et al. (2008). Raloxifene plus ossein-hydroxyapatite compound versus raloxifene plus calcium carbonate to control bone loss in postmenopausal women: A randomized trial. Menopause, 15(6), 1132–1138. [PMID: 18791486]
  14. Reffitt, D. M., Ogston, N., Jugdaohsingh, R., et al. (2003). Orthosilicic acid stimulates collagen type 1 synthesis and osteoblastic differentiation in human osteoblast-like cells in vitro. Bone, 32(2), 127–135. [PMID: 12633784]
  15. Rüegsegger, P., Keller, A., & Dambacher, M. A. (1995). Comparison of the treatment effects of ossein-hydroxyapatite compound and calcium carbonate in osteoporotic females. Osteoporosis International, 5(1), 30–34. [PMID: 7703621]
  16. Schurgers, L. J., Teunissen, K. J., Hamulyák, K., et al. (2007). Vitamin K-containing dietary supplements: Comparison of synthetic vitamin K1 and natto-derived menaquinone-7. Blood, 109(8), 3279–3283. [PMID: 17158229]
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    Posted by Deborah Takemoto on Mar 14, 2015

    The OSAplex MK-7 is wonderful! It helps both bones and cartilage for me. The price at Covenant House is more than reasonable. Thank you!