Fire Fighter 1 oz by Gentle Warriors by Kan
Gentle Warriors by Kan suggests taking 2-3 times daily: 0 to 4 years 15-30 drops, 4 to 8 years 30-45 drops, 8 to 12 years 45-60 drops, 12 years to adult 60-90 drops
Oldenlandia herb, Scrophularia root, Dandelion herb and root, Honeysuckle flower, Forsythia fruit, Burdock fruit, Platycodon root, Chinese mint herb, Black jujube fruit, Chinese licorice root, Clove flower.
Bai hua she she cao, Xuan shen, Pu gong ying, Jin yin hua, Lian qiao, Niu bang zi, Jie geng, Bo he, Hei zao, Gan cao, Ding xiang.
Water 48% to 54%,
Vegetable Glycerin 24% to 26%,
Alcohol 10% to 12% by volume
To evaporate alcohol, place in hot water.
30-35 drops = ½ dropperful
Shake well before every use.
Use only as directed by your health care provider. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Keep tightly capped, and out of direct sunlight.
Only the finest hand-selected Chinese herbs are used, with attention to the highest quality at each stage of production.